Friday, February 25, 2011

happy birthday to me!

the first day of my 52nd year! la la la la la la la!

you know you're blessed when a nor'easter happily shows up for your birthday and gifts you only with rain.  other blessings...

* new best buds: an unscented product that works.  no more itchies from head to toe.

* a new love lust:  yeah.  i buckled.  it will be my incentive - job completed, charm rewarded. first charm - lucky star - a kick-off to good and better things.  time saver: you can design it online.

* a lifestyle lift courtesy of CONB COA.  yep.  i get to take advantage of these discount trips without having to subscribe to AARP.  hey.  at this point a trip to ikea is always a treat, but i have to branch out.

* and a rude gentle awakening:  mummy says i was born two days late and only after a somewhat rough ride in the nantucket hospital truck.  fate can be funny.  i laugh.

so, here we go, 51!

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